Would you like to know more about volunteer activities and organizations that are resources to grievers in this community that Krysalis is involved with?

  1. American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) – Alaska Chapter. There are opportunities for educational seminars on general suicide information, along with specific seminars for youth and suicide; veterans and suicide; workplace suicide, etc. AFSP also offers support networks, matching specific losses.

Contact Krysalis to learn of the next date and time

  • Suicide Survivors support group – the Alaska Police and Fire Chaplains facilitate monthly meetings. 

Contact Krysalis to learn of the next date and time

  • Palliative Care Alaska Network – a group of committed individuals who work as professionals, community volunteers, and healthcare consumers to change how people live and die in Alaska.

Contact Krysalis to learn of the next date and time

  • Death Café – a community conversation once a month with the goal of changing the taboo of the topic of death.  It is held at a public location where the community of interested individuals gather to talk about a topic related to death – for example, green funerals, pet loss, cultural differences, death in movies and media, etc. 

Contact Krysalis to learn of the next date and time

  • Providence Hospice offers support groups and events to support the griever. 

Contact Krysalis to learn of the next date and time